What Are The Benefits Of Low-Profile Turntable Stretch Wrappers?

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What Are The Benefits Of Low-Profile Turntable Stretch Wrappers?

27 September 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

If you want to buy a turntable stretch pallet wrapping machine, then you have to choose between low-profile and high-profile products. In many cases, a low-profile wrapper is a better investment.

How is a low-profile wrapping machine different? What are the advantages of using it over a high-profile machine?

What Is a Low-Profile Turntable Stretch Wrapper?

All turntable stretch wrappers work in the same basic way. You put a pallet on the turntable. The machine then rotates the pallet and, as it goes around, it applies stretch wrap around it. At the end of the process, the pallet is fully wrapped.

The difference between the two profiles here is turntable height. A high-profile turntable sits higher off the ground while a low-profile turntable sits close to the ground with just a small clearance space of a couple of inches.

Why Use a Low-Profile Turntable Stretch Wrapper?

Both of these stretch wrappers do an effective wrapping job. However, you don't use these machines in the same way. Often, a low-profile wrapper is more versatile.

For example, you have to use a forklift to lift a pallet up onto a high-profile wrapper. You can't usually use other lifting equipment such as pallet jacks. They won't necessarily be able to get the right access to the turntable at a height.

If you don't have a free or working forklift, then you might not be able to wrap your pallets. Or, you might have to stop forklifts from doing other work to keep the turntable loaded when you need to wrap.

A low-profile machine is easier to use. You can still use a forklift to load and unload pallets onto the turntable. However, you can also use pallet jacks and other pieces of lifting equipment. You can also easily build a small ramp up to the turntable if you need to give a piece of lifting equipment some extra height and reach.

Plus, low-profile stretch wrappers also reduce pallet accidents. If you have to put pallets on a raised turntable, then there is a risk that the pallet might fall off if it isn't precisely placed. Accidental knocks to the turntable could also damage pallets and the turntable itself.

Low-profile stretch wrappers are less hazardous. Their closer position to the ground reduces the risk of pallet falls and other accidents.

Before you buy turntable wrapping equipment, talk to manufacturers or suppliers. They can help you decide if a low-profile design is the best option for your site and wrapping needs.

For more information about buying turntable wrapping equipment, contact a local supplier.